MyselfIm 58 and just had surgery ovarian cancer on june 6 and start chemo today...Reactions0reactionsComments2 replies
Diagnosed five years ago with events, Ovarian cancer. Had a reoccurrence in September 2021.The less seven months my CA, 125, increase from 13 to 156. I did CAT scan, MRI, PET, scan endoscopy, colonoscopy, mammography, and brain scan. They all came clear I’m...Reactions0reactionsComments2 replies
What helps you cope?Is there something that helps you cope with your ovarian cancer, treatment, or side effects?...Reactions0reactionsComments22 repliesCoping
October 2024: My Cancer Journey ContinuesI completed 8 rounds of radiation for ovarian cancer in April of 2023. It was a piece of cake versus chemotherapy, but it was not without complications. About a week...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments