I would be happy to respond to the request for OC survivors to take the survey. I was diagnosed 3 years ago with Stage 4 advanced metastatic poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma of likely ovarian origin, since no ovaries, tubes or uterus were present at the time. After frontline carbo/taxol x 7, exploratory and then debulking surgeries, genetic and genomic testing showed BRCA 1 and 2 neg, and molecular mutations of LOH, TMB, MSI high and PD-L1, I began infusions of Keytruda nearly 3 years ago. I have been NED for over a year and feel quite well with no side effects. I am 77 years old now, walk at least 2 miles a day, take a Pilates class once a week and swim a half mile nearly every day. I would be happy to take a survey or answer any questions.